Author: jarockymountain

January 30, 2017

Find and Share Your Passion

February is best known for Valentine’s Day, but did you know that this month has many other “holidays” including Umbrella Day, National Gum Drop Day, Tell a Fairy Tale Day,...


Opportunities for young professionals in making a positive impact

Dave Ettenger of Bow River Capital Partners is Chair of the JA Engage Board I volunteer with Junior Achievement at South High. While there a few weeks ago, I was...


January 23, 2017

Partner companies needed to host STEM job shadow experiences

Students participate in a JA Job Shadow at EnCana in 2015. Photo courtesy of the Denver Business Journal According to the Colorado Department of Labor, at least 20% of all...


Partners in life make dynamic duo in the classroom

Ron and Derenny Weil are extraordinary JA volunteers, sharing passion and inspiration with Denver-area students For 42 years, Ron and Derenny Weil have done everything together – launched and run successful...


January 1, 2017

You: a gift worth sharing

It’s 2017! And as the new year beams brightly ahead of us, I’m happily reflecting on the holidays and the many gifts shared with friends and family. Some were practical...


December 22, 2016

Happy Holidays from Junior Achievement

Wishing you a bright and joyful holiday season! And a brilliant and inspiring new year!


December 20, 2016

Partner companies receive top honor for volunteerism

JA-Rocky Mountain is proud to recognize 23 partner companies that recently received the U.S. President’s Volunteer Service Award. Created in 2003 by the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation,...


December 19, 2016

Volunteer helps JA reach Estes Park students

Professionalism, business savvy, humor, drive, kindness.  Junior Achievement-Rocky Mountain (JA) volunteers share all sorts of skills, personality traits and experiences when they enter JA classrooms to help young people envision...


December 12, 2016

AT&T helps JA bring financial experiences to at-risk students

Through its signature philanthropic initiative called AT&T Aspire, AT&T is helping Junior Achievement-Rocky Mountain, and more than 50 JA areas across the country, reach at-risk students. In addition to the...
