Volunteer prepares students to become financially savvy adults
Serving her community’s financial needs is part of Lauren Money’s job. Lauren is the vice president of enterprise risk administration and the Community Reinvestment Act/fair lending officer at Colorado Federal...
EY: Committed to building a better working world
EY is an incredible partner to Junior Achievement (JA) areas across the Americas. EY’s senior professionals serve on more than 40 local JA boards across the US, Canada and South...
Ultimate Exercise in Democracy
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year or maybe every four years, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind...
We are immensely proud of the impact that you help us make on students in our local market. Ensuring that our local young people are prepared for what’s next is what...
Witnessing opportunity and liberation emerge
When I was in my 20s, my Mom retired from teaching accounting at the University of Colorado and joined the Peace Corps. As you might know, the Peace Corps assigns...
We just finished celebrating our youngest son’s graduation from CSU. He finished his accounting degree and now we are in the process of packing him up to start his new...
Colorado Nonprofit Association Honors JA-Rocky Mountain President Robin Wise
Today, Colorado Nonprofit Association hosted its annual Colorado Nonprofit Week Awards Luncheon in downtown Denver. This signature awards ceremony brought together community, nonprofit and business leaders to recognize seven individuals...
Mental trickery wreaks havoc on college planning
March traditionally is the snowiest month of the year in Colorado. We know this! In our eagerness to welcome spring, however, we often forget. We plant seeds, pack away our...