This year, Junior Achievement's Business Week, presented by Arrow Electronics, showcased what happens when the wild imagination of youth converges with the rigorous demands of the business world. The result...
Merrill Lynch Banker Invests in the Future
Matt Stotler, senior vice president and banking regional manager for Merrill Lynch and Bank of America, has made volunteering for Junior Achievement part of his banking career the past 20...
Charles McCarthy found his place in Junior Achievement while talking with a friend, Bob Yager. Bob challenged Charlie with the simple task to “teach the kids.” Bob invited Charlie to...
Alumna Returns to Former School District to Inspire the Next Generation
Sara Lucio started volunteering for Junior Achievement though a service learning project with the University of Colorado-Denver. The project turned into a passion after Sara shared her story with the...
Casell Randle’s first experience as a business leader was in high school. His JA Company Program business, Sweets R Us, sold pastries and other food items to fellow students. The...
“I wouldn’t even be here without JA!”
Jess Stohlmann-Rainey Jess Stohlmann-Rainey has been volunteering with Junior Achievement since she first learned to talk. “My parents actually met working for Junior Achievement,” explains Jess. “So I wouldn’t even...
“An extremely rewarding experience” for rock star volunteer from DU’s Beta Alpha Psi
Cari Winkler is a standout student and JA champion at the University of Denver. She has been a Junior Achievement volunteer for two years. “During my sophomore year of college...
“I love working with educators and schools”
Jerry Glunz As a Horace Mann insurance agent, Jerry Glunz works to build business relationships with schools by sponsoring school activities and educating educators about financial matters. Along the way,...
“These kids represent our future”
Kris Defnet became interested in volunteering for JA when she saw another volunteer with one of JA’s recognizable kits walking down the hall of her daughter’s school. She realized that becoming a...